impan seminar:

working group in applications of set theory

17.10 at 2.15 pm. Room 403.
Małgorzata Rojek (IMPAN/MIMUW).
The non-separability of the Gelfand space of the measure algebra on the circle.

Abstract: "In this series of two talks we will study the Gelfand space of the algebra M(T) of measures on the circle. Although the space arises in a very natural way, there are still many open questions concerning its topology. During the first talk we will recall basic properties of the algebra M(T) and introduce some useful tools, in particular the Riesz products. The main goal of the second talk is to prove that the Gelfand space Δ(M(T)) contains continuum pairwise disjoint open sets".

Previous talks this semester:

10.10, 2.30pm, room 321
The public defence of doctoral thesis of Damian GÅ‚odkowski.

The thesis is entitled "Some applications of set theory in Banach spaces and operator algebras". For more details see

Talks in the second semester of 2023-24.

Talks in the first semester of 2023-24.

Talks in the second semester of 2022-23.

Talks in the first semester of 2022-23.

Talks in the second semester of 2021-22.

Talks in the first semester of 2021-22.

Talks in the second semester of 2020-21.

Talks in the first semester of 2020-21.

Talks in the second semester of 2019-20.

Talks in the first semester of 2019-20.

Talks in the second semester of 2018-19.

Talks in the first semester of 2018-19.

Talks in the second semester of 2017-18.

Talks in the first semester of 2017-18.

Talks in the second semester of 2016-17.

Talks in the first semester of 2016-17.

Talks in the second semester of 2015-16.

Talks in the first semester of 2015-16.

Talks in the second semester of 2014-15.

Talks in the first semester of 2014-15.

Talks in the second semester of 2013-14.

Talks in the first semester of 2013-14.

Talks in the second semester of 2012-13.

Talks in the first semester of 2012-13.

Talks in the second semester of 2011-12.

Talks in the first semester of 2011-12.

Time and place: Thursdays 14.15-16.00 pm, room 403, Śniadeckich 8

The scope of the seminar: Set-theoretic combinatorial and topological methods in diverse fields of mathematics, with a special emphasis on abstract analysis like Banach spaces, Banach algebras, C*-algebras, Here we include both the developing of such methods as forcing, descriptive set theory, Ramsey theory as well as their concrete applications in the fields mentioned above.

Working group style: We will make efforts so that this seminar has more a working character rather than the presentation style. This means that we encourage long digressions, discussions, background preparations and participation of everyone. We would like to immerse ourselves into the details of the mathematical arguments studied. Also the talks are usualy devoted to research in progress or fascinating results leading to some project not yet resolved. While ready final results could be presented at other seminars at IM PAN or UW.

Participants this semester so far:

Forthcoming talks:

  • 24.10 Małgorzata Rojek, continuation.
  • 31.10 Probably no talk due to the holiday on 1.11.