Warsaw Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science
Warsaw Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Department of Mathematics of the University of São Paulo
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Department of Mathematics of the University Paris 7
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institue of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Department of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mathematics of the Technical University of Łódź
University of São Paulo and University Paris 7
Department of Mathematics of the University of São Paulo
Department of Mathematics of the University of São Paulo
the Calkin algebra as the noncommutative version of the Boolean algebra P(N)/Fin, pure states, separably representable C*-algebras, masas
universal spaces, indecomposable Banach spaces, equilateral sets, separated sets, Auerbach systems, biorthogonal systems, semi-biorthogonal systems
spaces with few operators, Boolean algebras of projections
measure convolution algebras
forcing, iterated forcing, Ramsey theory, stepping-up, two cardinal combinatorics, sets of reals, trees, almost disjoint families, ultrafilters, independent families, simplified morasses, forcing axioms, gaps in P(N)/Fin
the Boolean algebra P(N)/Fin, measures on Boolean algebras, Nikodym property, Grothendieck property, the Stone duality,
βN, N*, Radon-Nikodym compacta, Eberlein and uniformly Eberlein compacta, Efimov problem, Čech-Stone reminders
Pitowsky's spin models, pure state space of quantum mechanics, quantum physics in nonseparable Hilbert spaces, random ultrafilters as hidden variables